Monday 29 November 2010


So what have I been up to lately, I hear you ask. Well actually I dont hear you ask - you slackers. I put up a post full of what I believe to be rather fabulous photos and all I get is one comment and even that was from someone I am currently sharing a house with. Shame on you, slackers. Shame on you all. You don't deserve a post.

Good thing I dont just give you what you deserve then, isnt it, slackers? I am prepared to overlook your slackness on the proviso that it does not happen again. Ok?

Actually, I have been seriously considering giving up my blog - if you dont want this to happen then you had better actually show me that there are still people out there who read it other than those who live with me, that is, because technically I could just talk to them rather than write a blog.

Apart from my utter disappointment in my lack of commentors, the second reason I havent blogged lately is that I have been rather ridiculously busy with work. We have been short staffed at work for various reasons so I have been picking up quite a few more shifts than usual and that combined with my trapping trip means that I am working over full time hours this month. I want a break. I want a day when I can go for a road trip to Bicheno to go snorkeling rather than to work in a devil enclosure.

The amount of time spent at work recently has been rather hampering the rest of my life, but I have still managed to make some progress. My frog pond and chicken shed projects are both now complete thanks to a lot of help from Dad, but neither are stocked with frogs or chooks yet. I have also been working on a little bit more of a social life, although this has mostly been with my workmates so it still feels like work is inescapable even when we are at trivia night at the pub. Our trivia team is steadily improving and last week we won a couple of the instant prizes and it has been a lot of fun. I even know some of the answers to the questions which is nice. For instance, I know that the Easter Bunny, Bugs Bunny, and Brer Rabbit are actually all hares and that the country that sold Alaska to the USA was Russia. Unfortunately, I didnt know that "American Pie" in the song "American Pie" is the name of the plane that crashed - if I had, my team would have gotten all three jackpot questions right and we would have won $1000. Oh well, at least we came 3rd overall. Next week we're going to win.


Anonymous said...

No Comment.

Martin said...

In my defence I do read it all the time (I generally check several times a day, just in case), I just couldn't think of anything to say...

Tori said...

I read your blog sporadically. And I usually comment on something when I do read it. I am just terrible at keeping up with all the computer stuff. I recon I only check my email once a month. Please dont stop writing. Ill really lose touch with what you are up to then.