Tuesday 4 January 2011


So, Christmas is over now as is New Year's and I thought I'd better just write a little note so that you all know I'm still around.

I had a good Christmas. The day itself was much quieter than usual as the four of us just stayed home, but things were a little bit rowdier both before and after as we caught up with friends and family. Ben, Bec, "Little(hand action)" Mike, and Gab came down from Victoria and spent a few nights staying at Mum and Dad's. On NYE we had them plus the four Klavers which made for 12 people and a pretty crowded house. Fun, though. In fact, we were having so much fun that midnight almost came and went without anyone noticing - Dad was on the case, though.

I started work again on the 30th after my 4 weeks off recovering from my wrist fracture and worked the following 5 days straight which tested both my arm and my ability to get out of bed on time. Going back to work was good, but the timing could have been better because I missed out on hanging out with the Kerros and going to the New Years Day BBQ. New Years Day wasn't a very good day at work because neither myself or my coworker wanted to be there - (he wanted to be in bed recovering from the Falls Festival and I wanted to be at the BBQ and swimming) so I came home exhausted and grumpy. Despite that and the problems I had at work on Monday (which the confidentiality agreement restricts me from telling you about), I'm happy to be back at work. My wrist still hurts, though. In fact it has just started aching right now and I really don't appreciate it. Ouch. Bothersome. I think I'll go to bed for a while. Bye

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