Wednesday 7 November 2012

A tale of two stories

Reader's Digest is having a competition for writers to enter stories of exactly 100 words (no more, no less). Tiani introduced me to the idea and has entered a story of her own, and I decided that it might be a fun challenge. And a challenge it was, but I've ended up with two potential entries. The first is an abridged version of a story I wrote a few mon ths back, the second one is an original story written specifically for the competition. I can't choose between the two. So, which do you think I should enter?

Story 1:

She lay flat on the ground deep in the Tasmanian bush. A mosquito landed on her, but she didn’t dare swat it. This mission was more important than a few mosquito bites. She heard a noise close by, but it was merely a wallaby. She watched as it turned and fled as somewhere overhead the alarm call of a honeyeater rang out. Then she saw it. She made an effort to calm herself; she couldn’t afford to miss. She carefully took aim, and breathed out…“Click!” …The thylacine ran, but she had the shot. She had photographic proof; the thylacine lives.

Story 2:

She strode purposefully into the store, preceded only by her ample bosom. Not again. Paul attempted to hide behind the counter, but it was too late. Why did she always come into the store when the shop girls were on lunch break?
“That bracelet broke the first time I wore it.” She waved the string of beads in front of him accusingly as she spoke. His mind flashed back to the way it had been stretched to fit around her thick wrist, but he knew better than to point it out.
“Yes, Mother, I’ll get you another one.” He said.

Also, I challenge you to come up with one of your own (especially Rob).

1 comment:

Tori said...

I like the first one best. We had to do something like this at school only ours could only be 50 words long.