Monday 19 July 2010

Boxes, boxes everywhere

So, yes, I have now moved. Actually I moved on Saturday, but somehow I haven't managed to unpack many of the boxes yet and they are currently stacked up in the corridor. By the end of today I hope to have most of them unpacked, or at least in my room so that they aren't under Mum and Dad's feet while I am in Melbourne.

I leave for Melbourne tomorrow morning (wednesday) to spend a few days with Dienece (my very bestest friend) and her husband and the bump in her tummy. On Saturday morning I am meeting the rest of my family back at the airport as they get off the plane from Launny and we all board one to Sydney. From there we have a hire car to take us to Port Macquarie where we will be spending a week on holiday.

So the challenge now is to finish sorting out my stuff enough so that I can pack for ten days away.

I had a lovely good bye dinner in Hobart on Thursday with a collection of some of my favourite people. I refuse to really see it as good bye, though, because I plan to come visit so often that they will all get sick of me. Perhaps that's why I managed to get through the entire night without having a teary. Or it could have been the fact that the entire night was really one long hug from Tiani (my other very bestest friend). I even managed to get through the entire move on Saturday without feeling the need to turn into a puddle of tears. So perhaps I am just stoic, a sure sign that I have royal blood flowing in my veins. Or perhaps I am just saving it all up to have a big melt down later. Who knows.

Well, anyway, I just wanted to let you all officially know that I've moved.

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