Wednesday 18 July 2012

What's wrong with Emma?

In todays episode, we ask the question, "What's wrong with Emma?".

So, what is wrong with me. I have two possible diagnoses: a brain tumour or being secretly drugged with some experimental drug designed to produced some sort of super warrior. One of the guys at work has a third possibility, he thinks that I am developing super powers.

For nearly a week now, I've been surving on a ridiculously small amount of sleep. Not just surving, thriving. Every second or third night, I'm sleeping fairly normally, but the rest of the time I can't manage more than 3 hours. The weird thing is that on the days I haven't slept, I feel fine. Without even needing coffee, I can survive a normal days work and even be in a good mood while I do it. In fact I've been in a very good mood, thinking that everything is strangely hilarious, especially my workmates. This, of course, supports the "on drugs" hypothesis.

The days after I have slept on the other hand, I feel less than fabulous. This makes it harder for me to force myself to try to sleep, knowing that I feel worse after I do than when I don't.  I keep expecting it to catch up to me one day, and I'll go crashing down in heap too exhausted to move, but so far it hasn't happened. I suppose it will one day. We'll have to wait and see.

1 comment:

Martin said...

If you're massively over-tired then it might be possible that you're existing entirely in that "everything is completely hilarious" zone... So maybe the sleep is putting you back into the "I'm tired" zone before you relapse into hilarity.