Friday 26 October 2007

hello again world

Hello all,

I'm extremely bored of studying! I have had a headache all day, but I've been very good and studied anyway because I have limited time to fit in all the study I have to do before the exam. I have now covered everything that I wanted to cover, and there is only one thing I don't understand- the difference between the holonephros kidney and the metanephros kidney. I will have to ask my lecture about that at the tutorial on Monday morning.

Now I want to take my washing down to the laundromat and get it dry (it rained this arvo when my washing was nearly dry) before New Tricks comes on tonight. Maybe I should have another nanna nap instead- I had one yesterday afternoon- I wasn't planning to- in fact I didn't even know I was until I woke up and realised that half an hour was missing, presumed drowned (at school everytime anything was missing Mrs Carins sad it was "missing, presumed drowned"- do you remember that?)

Anywho, I'd better get in my little broom-broom car and go to the laundromat. As long as I don't have the nap while I'm meant to be driving... Barry is a good little car, but I think he still needs some input from me when we're driving somewhere : )

Oh, P.S. Rainbow (the cat) showed up in my garden again yesterday. Remember there were two things I wasn't going to do with Rainbow- feed her or let her inside my house- well, I kinda did them both. Letting her inside was an accident. She slipped in the door while I was talking to her. Feeding her was slightly more my fault, but she felt really skinny (at least compared to Fidget she was really skinny- she actually wasn't that bad).

Here is a photo I took of her a couple of months ago in case you haven't seen her.

*Poof* (That was me disappearing into a cloud of smoke- Bye)


Tori said...

Meow purr purr

Tori said...

by the way Im chocolate too

Tori said...

I wrote a poem and since I cant post it on my blog (Mum thinks Ingrid broke her leg falling down some stairs) I shall post it here. I am so proud of it.

The Girl from Avon River
By Tori ‘Banjo’ Watkin

There was movement at the college for the word had passed around,
That the pony known as Twist had got away.
And had left poor Ingrid lying – on that sandy cold wet ground,
While the pony left to splash amongst the spray.
All the tried and noted riders from the dunes which were not far
Had stood and watched the fall in very fear,
And had raced down to the scene where the battered Ingrid are,
They listened as she gave a sudden cheer.

“It’s broke, I think, my leg. I cannot walk on my left side.
That pony’s gone and thrown me in the dust.
I just could not keep my balance as she made that final stride.
Have weekly riding lessons, I think I must”
But still so slight and weedy one would doubt her power to stay.
And Tori said “To ride my horse will be rough;
For to learn the art of English riding– we’ll start you right away.”
On Fridays Ingrid proved that she is tough.

Tori said...

Can you tell Im bored of studying too?

Tori said...

Wow 4 no this makes 5 comments on your one post. Too bad they are all from me! hehe

Joolz said...

Sorry you had a headache. I've got a pesky cold. Be careful feeding other people's cats.

Fidget said...

How dare you fraternise with some other hussy of a cat!

And what's that about being skinny compared to me? Are you implying I'm fat?


I don't think I'll ever forgive you.

Maybe I might if you bring me some fish.

Emma said...

Oh puss, you know that no other cat could ever be as special as you are!

And I wasn't implying that you are fat- just that the other cat was skinny- you are beautifully cuddly.

If it makes you feel any better then you should know I haven't seen the "hussy" since.

I will bring you some fishy after exams.