Monday 20 October 2008

11 days left until I finish forever!



Robert Kingston said...

Or at least until you go back to do your Vet stuff.

Tori said...

It just doesnt beat the cheese post. Having a long title needs a short blog to round it off. Nice try though and exciting too for it means that I also have only 11 days left.

I love seeing what the word verification is today it is oyboo and I like it.

Emma said...

No it definately dosen't beat the cheese post, but I wasn't even trying. This is different- you'll see.

oyboo is awesome : )

Emma said...

I've changed it, now. Is that better, Tori?

Tori said...

Yes. Now the word thing says tubahkc not quite as good as oyboo but it is kind of like the name of a city in a book I read a little while ago. Fantasy books have such strange names.