Thursday 11 February 2010

Update - the big news of the week

Ok, here is the big news in my life at the moment.

My research proposal is finally completed and submitted. Yay! All that stress, late nights, and Saturdays spent at uni are now over. At least for now. I don't even want to consider whats going to happen when I'm trying to finish my thesis. At least with my thesis, though, I can devote my time fully to it rather than trying to fit it in around spending most of time doing fieldwork up the coast. Anyway, back to the topic at hand.

With the stress of the research proposal now gone, field work has returned to being quite enjoyable. Apart from the weather, that is. The weather has been ridiculous. It hasn't been really hot, but it has been so humid that it is stifling anyhow. Look, this is Denison beach. See the mist? That's been almost constant for the past two weeks. Its not quite so bad at Swansea, but its still insane.

Last Friday, Moose and I finally managed to get our hands on the night vision binoculars and see what my little birdies do at night. The cloud cover was initially a problem, but that eventually cleared and the NVBs were awesome. Turns out my little birdies do exactly the same thing at night as they do during the day which is pretty awesome (especially considering that its a brand new scientific discovery never before published). It also turns out that Moose and I can manage to spend an entire night without trying to kill each other which I personally think is the more surprising discovery out of the two. Apart from the cloudiness and it getting rather cold, the only problem we had was a car load of drunken idiots going skinny dipping, but they didn't even notice we were there so it wasn't actually a problem.

Also big news, I have a new favourite word- "smef". Smef is a creation of Douglas Adams and should probably actually be written as S.M.E.F., but I like it better as smef. Smef stands for spontaneous massive existence failure, and describes perfectly that Friday I had two weeks ago that I don't want to talk about. Its also useful for such sentences as:
"I think it's smeffed!" which means "I think its suffered a spontaneous massive existence failure" or in the colloquial - "Its stuffed."
also "What in the smef is going on here?"
and simply "Smef!"

Unfortunately, 'smef' was the best part of Starship Titanic if you ask me (which you didn't). It definitely doesn't display Douglas Adams' genius in the same way as Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy does. It was still very useful as something to listen to while I was driving up and down the coast this week, though, as I have very sadly now run out of the Sherlock Holmes audio books Rob burnt me. Its quite disappointing really, but I guess all good things must come to an end. As has now, this post.


carrot said...

I like smef. I'll remember that one!

Robert Kingston said...

DA didn't actually write Starship Titanic - he created a computer game with the same name and idea, but Terry Jones wrote the book for him, which is probably why it wasnt as good.

Tori said...

Poor Emma,
Stuck with "her" again. I like the competition idea though. Especially the part where she doesnt know she is part of a competition. Say hi to Megan for me when you next see her.