Saturday 21 January 2012

New Years resolutions

Last year, you may remember my new year resolution was to set myself the task of finding, observing, and listing as many different species of Tasmanian birds as I could over 12 months. I diligently kept my list, which grew very quickly over the first few weeks, but slowed down considerably after I had listed the most common birds. Well, in the end I made it to 77 species. Not a bad effort, but not stellar either.
This year, my new years resolution was made for me by my father - his idea was to spend 12 months photographing as many species of bird as possible. I liked the idea so I have adopted it. It should continue to improve my bird identifying skills as well as drastically improve my wildlife photography skills. My brother tried to add to my resolution by making me have to take a photo of a bird every day, but I wasn't into that :)

A second benefit of this year's resolution is that it will give me something to blog about. I've decided to upload any and all good shots I get over the year here for you all to check out.

So far, the only shot worth sharing is this one (above) of a Wedgetail Eagle being harassed by a Swamp Harrier, but I have a couple of shooting days planned so there should be more soon. Watch this space.

P.S. This post was written a week and a half ago, but I couldn't post it yet so you shouldn't have to wait long for more photos now.

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