Tuesday 9 December 2014


 A few months ago I had an extremely unsuccessful attempt at growing mushrooms. It was quite disappointing as mushrooms are one of my favourite foods, and you all know that I love growing things. I had decided not to try the same kind of mushroom growing system again because it was quite expensive for an unsuccessful attempt. While I was shopping at a nursery in Hobart with a friend, however, I came across an entirely different sort of mushroom growing kit and after talking to the man that works there who guaranteed that mushrooms would grow, I decided to give it another go.

The kit came in a box like this:
 And inside the growing medium was covered in mushroom rhizome
 So I followed the instructions and after (im)patiently waiting the first baby mushroom finally appeared.
 Which grew into a full-sized portobello mushroom.
Which I then picked, cooked, and ate. I have to say, it was delicious! There are plenty of other baby mushrooms popping their heads up now, so I think that this experiment is going to prove quite successful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh No! I have ordered a kit and it doesn't look like your picture, so perhaps it's the useless one! Oh well, I'll give it a go anyway and if no luck will get the supplier's name from you for the good one.
Growing mushrooms is very exciting isn't it? Yum. Annie