Wednesday 9 January 2008

I made it back to Hobart...

WARNING: The following is actually very boring. I don't know why but apparently I don't seem to be able to write in a very interesting way this morning (maybe the problem is that it is too early in the morning). Either way, you have my permission to skip the reading part if you find it too boring and just look at the pictures.

As most of you know my plans to go back to my flat in Hobart kept getting delayed because I wasn't very well. I was starting to get really stressed about things down in Hobart, though because I hadn't really planned on leaving things for that long. I have "pay as you go"electricity and I knew that I hadn't left enough money on it for the amount of time I was away so the power would be off and the fridge defrosted. I was also worried about the poor fish starving to death.

When I got back things weren't as bad as I thought they would be. Yes, the power was off and the fridge had defrosted, but it wasn't as bad to clean up as I thought it would be. The fish were alive and well- just hungry. All the plants survived too, and the sunflowers finally flowered. It was a really nice surprise to walk up to my flat and see several big, beautiful sunflowers. Thats actually the reason I'm posting- to show off my beautiful sunflowers. I have wanted to grow sunflowers for a very long time, but this is the first time I have actually done it- its been really fun.


Robert Kingston said...

I still think that trees should grow as fast as sunflowers...

At least your fridge had a reason for defrosting. My freezer decided it would be fun to defrost itself while freezing the drawers solid to the side so I cant get anything out to clean it up.

Mum's comming through to give me a hand tonight - I'll blog about it after then.

You're flowers are impressive - and thats from someone who dosnt like flowers overly much.

Joolz said...

Yes, the flowers are impressive. The photography isn't too bad either. Yes, after 3 tries to get me and 2 home phone messages of despair I am off to assist Rob's freezer clean up.

Robert Kingston said...

Mum's been and helped me sort of the freezer disaster.

Thanks Mum!

Anonymous said...

There were sunflowers growing in the garden of a house near where I work. One afternoon as I walked home, I noticed that somebody had decorated one of the sunflowers. Somebody had cut out Jack Nicholson's face and pinned it to the centre of the sunflower.
I'm still trying to figure out the significance!