Friday 23 May 2008


Man its been cold this week.
Did you know that there was a day this week when it was actually colder in Tasmania than Antartica? Crazy!
We had the first real frost of the season here this week- it was so cold that there were parking spaces at uni at 9:00 (my fellow students must have all been home in their nice warm beds).

I think there should be laws against weather that is so cold that you have to wear so many layers of clothing that you can't move.

In other news of the week, I am still alive : )
I didn't miss a single lecture this week, but I haven't really gotten anything else done.

I am currently taking a break from working on my Marine Ecology report- its due in 5 days and its worth 30% of my mark in that subject so its pretty important.

I finally got back the other report I have written this semester (most of my work has been essays rather than reports this semester) and I got a distinction- not bad considering I know that I rushed it and didn't do a fantastic job (that's the one I did when I was at Rob's house with all the distractions and the constant urge to go to sleep from all the medication)- It was only worth 15% anyway.

Anyways, I have to go back to being a devoted, dedicated student.
That reminds me, the lecturer known as the muppet said "Can I please have your undevoted attention"- he should know that we are never devoted : )

Can you tell I'm practising my procrastination for swotvac- there's only one week of classes left. VERY scary- I'd better get on with it then.


Robert Kingston said...

You need to have that procrastination down pat before the end of the week.

Good luck with it all Loopy.

Emma said...

still working on the same stupid report- very very bored of it all now.

Its a good thing theres only a few days of semester left- if there was any more of it I would probably give up and quit.

Emma said...

I've just hit 3,000 words.
Yay for me : )

Only another 1,000 to go.

Emma said...

Writer's block.
Procrastination has kicked in.