Friday 13 June 2008

3 out of 4 ain't bad...

Well, actually they were bad, but the fact that I have now finished 3 quarters of my exams isn't bad.

This morning was Marine Ecology (which actually bares no resemblance to the photo above- it is actually more about water currents and weather patterns and trophic cascades and how these all affect each other not about turtles and dolphins and whales), but lets not talk about that. All you need to know is that the worst feeling in the world is walking into an exam room knowing that there is a very real chance that you could fail an exam depending what questions the lecturers decide to ask. Walking out knowing that you haven't failed is a much better feeling (thanks to my lecturers for asking the questions I actually knew the answers to).

Then, I escaped as quickly as possible (avoiding a certain fellow student who always manages to be extremely depressing after an exam- after the botany prac test she swore for about 3 minutes straight) and went out to dinner with a bunch of the gals (not my gals- Aunt Lib's gals). Good fun.

As much as I know how Ayden feels about Mures Top Deck (the upmarket, fancy part of Mures that I have never been to before)- and I do see his point and agree with him- it was really fun. And having a nice fancy dinner and a bottle of champagne after an exam is a great idea (don't worry I didn't have the bottle to myself- but guess what I'm allowed to drink and drive now).

Anyways, I have a big night of doing nothing planned (starting with some episodes of LOST that I have been patiently waiting for 2 weeks to watch- well, maybe not so patiently) so I'd better get to it.


Robert Kingston said...

One more exam - then next stop - HOLIDAYS!!!!

Tori said...

Its so depressing I am only a third of the way through my exams. I am rather stressing about Aquatic. The questions them selves dont seem so bad but they are so specific that you really do need to know everything about every thing. And I simply have no motivation. I am really over the whole uni thing and just want to take Twistie and go home to Gretta. Anyways I guess I'll see you at our movie night. Good luck in Aquatic.

Joolz said...

Just remember that there is a limit to your alcohol intake before driving an automobile.

Emma said...

Yes, Mum.

That was such a mum comment.