Wednesday 7 January 2009


Isn't it ironic when... you are trying to tell a friend how ironic your life is and you can't think of the work "ironic" - its right on the tip of your tongue, but you just can't manage to find it.

Isn't it ironic when... you go into a particular shop in Sandy Bay and you come out with a bag full of stuff, but forget the one thing you actually went in to buy.

Isn't it ironic when... you then decide to get it in Moonah on your way home, but you are so busy thinking about the irony of your life that you drive straight past the shop so you turn around and have another go, but you are so busy thinking about the irony of driving straight past it the first time that you do it again ... so you give up and go home without ever buying the thing that you wanted to buy.

Isn't it ironic when... you are about to go on a big trip that involves several plane flights and you get sick in the most inconvenient way possible - the way in which climbing a flight of stairs is enough of a change in pressure to make your ears hurt (so the changes of pressure in a plane is going to be absolute torture).

Isn't it ironic when... you are trying to organise applying for honours and the Zoology Honours Coordinator (the only person who can approve you to do honours) is on annual leave until the 19th (the day I arrive in London).

Isn't it ironic when... you decide to make contact with the person you would like to be your honour's supervisor so that you can get things underway before the Honour's Coordinator comes back from leave only to find out that they are also on annual leave until (you guessed it) the 19th.

Isn't it ironic when... you go into town especially to go to Spotlight to get something only to find out that it is mysteriously closed due to "smoke damage" even though you hadn't heard that there was a fire and there is no sign of when it might be open again.

Isn't it ironic when... most normal people would kill to be able to leave their jobs and go on a holiday to Europe... and you have to opportunity to go on that holiday to Europe, but you would give it up in a heartbeat for a job.

Isn't it ironic when... just when everything is overwhelming you so much that you feel like vanishing and going to live in a cave somewhere where no body can find you ... just then things finally start getting better and in the one shop you never intended to go into (but you ended up there anyway) you suddenly find some of the things you have been trying to find for the last few months... so you decide to keep struggling through everything and write a post about the irony of life.


Joolz said...

So what did you find in that unintended shop? I hope that you have a solution to your ear trouble now.

Emma said...

Well, I found a case/bag/thing for my video camera and a case for my sunnies.

And the doctor has put me on 3 different things for my ears and given me a perscription for a 4th if the first 3 aren't working well enough.

Tori said...

I get to go and have my ears looked at on Wednesday. I think your ears were feeling left out as they no longer had to help you listen to me complain about my ears which inadvertantly makes you pay attention to your own. So they decided to make you pay attention to them. The 19th isnt that far away you should be looking forward to it. Surely you will still be able to access your email at times throughout your trip and things with honours will sort themselves out. Btw I got into my hort. course. Yay for Tori