Monday 5 January 2009

Little things

Well, I know its been a while since I bothered updating you on my life. That's for a couple of reasons, one of which is that although I have been busy with a million little things I really don't have a lot to blog about.

We leave for Europe in just under two weeks so I have been busy sorting some stuff out for that and still have a huge list of little errands to do.

The day before we leave I also am Maid of Honour in a wedding so I'm going to busy with that as well.

So really I just have a lot of little things - none of which are very interesting. I have some more interesting things, but I have been sworn to keep them secret so I cant tell you about them either. Oh well.


Benitune said...

Who's wedding?

Anonymous said...

Hers - but it's a secret.

Emma said...

Tiani and Andrew's. You might remember Andrew - he is Martin (Turkeybrain)'s older brother. They both go to the Church in Hobart.

Who is Mr Hill?

Word of the day:
'imblated' - sounds like a way of describing how you feel when you have eaten too much icecream.