Tuesday 10 March 2009

A good days Couch-ing.

Couch-ing is a recreational activity quite commonly practised by teenage boys, but much more rarely attempted by adult females. I can tell you, however, that, although it may take a little practise for a female to get good at couch-ing, it is definitely worth the effort (or complete lack thereof, as the case may be).

Couch -ing, for the uninitiated and unimaginative of you, is simply spending an extended amount of time (preferably an entire day) on the couch without actually accomplishing anything - it can not involve homework, sewing, or any other activity that can in anyway resemble work. It can involve snacking, dozing, napping, reading, listening, talking, or watching - in fact I heartily recommend fitting a little of all of these items into your day of couch-ing. Try not to do too much dozing or napping, though - otherwise you might as well be in bed and you will not get the full benefits of a good days couch-ing.

Before you all go rushing off to your couches, I should warn you that if couch-ing is practised regularly it becomes no different than laziness - and you become no more than a couch potato, bogan. But, on the other hand, if you take a good day of couch-ing every few months or so, it will be a day very well spent - and though, you will feel as though you have not accomplished anything, you will soon noticed that while you were busy doing nothing you have actually, quite by accident, managed to totally recharge your batteries - physically, mentally, and emotionally.

So what do you think I did with the Monday of my long weekend?


lizard breath said...

Did you couch-in at your parents' so they could wait on you, or did you actually have to get off the couch to get yourself some food?

Emma said...

Unfortunately, I had no wait staff.

If you don't get off the couch occasionally you get a bit stiff and sore.