Sunday 5 April 2009

Back to School

Well a training centre, anyway.

I am redoing my Workplace Level 2 First Aid. Last time I did it was back at school in Grade 12. I had a great time then playing around with a group of friends, heaps of bandages, and a couple of dummies.

This time I am playing around with a heap of people I've never met before, heaps of bandages, and a couple of dummies. I had more fun last time.

This time isn't bad, though. I'm enjoying doing something where I have to learn stuff (and the exams are really easy). When I first walked in this morning and saw a room full of blokes and only a couple of seats left I was a little worried that I would be the only girl - and that I would be the only one under about 37 years old. It turns out that there are three of us girls (all of the remaining seats). Everyone else are from two seperate workplaces and come as big groups of people that already know each other so us girls get to work together which is nice.

And this time there are some new things added into the course and some "accepted practices" have been adjusted so there is some new stuff to learn.

Anyway, I graduate tomorrow - and then its Easter. YAY!

1 comment:

carrot said...


Easter!!!! Yay!!!