Tuesday 5 May 2009

A little clarification...

I thought that I should clarify a few things for those of you who are still unaware of what I now plan to do with my immediate future. I am now planning to do an Honours degree starting at the end of July. I am looking for part time work to fill in my time until then. I would prefer a job in retail/customer service - the kind of job you can turn up and do and then go home and forget all about it.

I will have two joint supervisors, one from the university and one from Birds Australia. My honours research will focus on two species of shorebird, the Hooded Plover and the Red Cap Plover (unless something happens and my project changes). They are both quite cute little species of bird and I'm sure I will enjoy spending my time on a beach somewhere with them.

So everyone, say hello to my new little friends:

The Hooded Plover

And the Red Cap Plover


Robert Kingston said...

Are these swooping plovers?

Martin said...

If they are, I can't actually think of anything much worse to be studying!

Joolz said...

No the swoopers are the masked plovers like the ones at home. At least I think that they are.

Emma said...

I don't think they are - I'm patiently waiting until next week to talk to a guy that has been studying these species.

carrot said...

Are they plovers or 'lapwings'? cause Rachel insists on calling the masked plovers we get round here masked 'lapwings'. I don't know why, but she does.

Emma said...
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Emma said...

Because that is their official 'common'name, but commonly they are referred to as plovers.

These ones are officially plovers.