Thursday, 7 May 2009

Tell them their dreamin'...

Dreams are strange things, aren't they. Sometimes you can dream about things and have no idea where it could have come from or why your subconscious would want to bring it up. Often I dream about saving the world, or at least part of it, from some bad guy. Especially after watching some of the tv shows that I have been entertained by recently.

Last night I watched an episode of Firefly while getting ready for bed so I would have expected that any dreams I might have to pertain to that in some way. Or they might have something to do with the book I am currently reading.

But if my dreams were that simply explained, would I be blogging about them now?
A clue: No (Couldn't resist that one. Sorry if you don't understand the joke - I know that at least some of you will, though).

Last night's dream (the one that I remember anyway) took place at the AFI awards (Australian Film Industry). I don't know why I was there, but it seems I won some kind of a competition or something. As an extra bonus I was escorted all evening by two well known gentlemen: Hugh Jackman and Eric Bana. Now I don't know about you, but I am personally very impressed by my subconscious in this instance; it managed to come up with a credible scenario for Hugh and Eric to be in the same place at the same time (although, it was not so credible that I would be there), and it even managed to remember that they were called the AFI awards. What fascinates me is the fact that it went to all this trouble to put me in a room with these two gentlemen when, although I think they are both quite lovely, they by no means top my list of favourite males.

As for who does top my list of favourite males - that's a story for another time :)


Robert Kingston said...

Seems the sherrif stole your picture...

LadyJane said...

You know dreams are a way of emptying the trash of your brain, right? As for you dreaming about Eric & Hugh, I spent the better part of last night dreaming about Sam Neill and I haven't been thinking about him for AGES! I haven't even been reading Robbery Under Arms or watching Jurassic Park. Go figure!

carrot said...

I had a dream a week or so ago that I can remember. Which is kinda wierd for me cause I usually don't remember anything when I wake up. I was about me and my friends Jacqui and Hayley.

We were going to Eastlands after school (and we actually were, the following afternoon), but we managed to miss the bus. And for some reason there was a two hour wait for the next one. So Jacqui decided that rather than wait, she was gonna steal a cute little red mini that was on the side of the road. (This is a completely un-Jacqui-ish thing to do, but whatever, it was a dreeam) I started freaking out cause of how bad and evil and wrong it was. But Jacqui and Hayley got in the car anyway. I got in two then Jacqui took of at, like, 100km an hour. She was swerving all over the road, completely out of controll. and all she could manage to say was, 'it's a long time since I've done this'! Hayley was laughing her head off, and I was screaming silently in the backseat.

Is my sudconsience telling me I have very bad friends? Or is it telling me never to get in a car with Jacqui?