Sunday 10 October 2010


So, I've been steadily employed for a while now and earning decent money for the first time since I started uni. You might think that the sudden luxury of having spare money around would send me into a shopping frenzy, but I have been very good and very restrained. I have not bought piles of new clothes or shoes or craft stuff or even bought myself the new mp3 player I want, but it seems that my one weakness has been books.

Today, I collected my new box set of Harry Potter books from the post office, shipped directly from England. I checked around a fair bit before I bought these and managed to get them for just under $80 (including postage)- not bad considering the average price is $130-$150.

But my biggest book blowout has actually been on zoological books. I went into Angus and Robertson in town (which very rudely moved location while I was living in Hobart) to get a book on Tassie Devils because I figured I should know something about them now that I work with them, and walked out with the book I went in for plus one on koalas. A week or two later, I went back into Angus and Robertson in town (which very considerately had stayed put since the last time I was there) to get nothing, and walked out with a rather expensive field guide to Australian mammals. I have now banned myself from Angus and Robertson and would greatly appreciate it if it would move locations again to somewhere I cant find it.

Then, of course, I had to go into Koorong to investigate rumours of a new Francine Rivers and walked out with a copy of it to add to my collection. I personally own 18 of her Christian novels.

And then, just to make sure I had enough reading material to get me through a nuclear winter, I went to all the second hand book shops in Launnie to try and find the missing book in Laurie R King's Sherlock Holmes/Mary Russel series. Unfortunately, none of them had it at the time so I had to go home and buy it on ebay.

So, if you need to borrow a book you know where to come.


Robert Kingston said...

Where has Angus and Robinson gone? I didn't know it moved.

Emma said...

It hasn't moved far - its in the mall now.