Friday 29 October 2010

The Cressy Challenge

Because the drive to and from the devil compound at Cressy everyday is so boring we have invented many ways of keeping ourselves occupied - the main one being stopping at JJ's every morning for coffee and treats. The otherday, however, when travelling in the vet's car instead of with the other keepers I found out about a brand new one called "The Cressy Challenge".

The rules of The Cressy Challenge are as follows:
The Challenge operates between the 60km/hr signs at each end of Cressy. Between these signs you have to count the number of "Real People" you can see. A Real Person is defined as an adult that takes at least two consecutive steps forward of their own accord (this will make more sense shortly). Any children are termed "Aliens" and do not count, and any people standing still or sitting down are "Cardboard Cutouts" and do not count. An adult that is holding hands with a child while they are walking is actually a Cardboard Cutout being towed along by an Alien and not a Real Person after all (see that bit up there makes sense now). Adults walking dogs, pushing prams, or mowing the lawn are also Cardboard Cutouts being made to look animated so that no one notices that the Aliens are taking over the town. The other day while driving through, although there were heaps of Aliens, we did not see a single Real Person. Obviously, Cressy has now fallen to the Alien invasion.

1 comment:

lizard breath said...

We used to play car cricket on the way from Branxholm to L'ton. I don't remember all the details but Fords and trucks were worth a lot of runs, and I think Holdens probably got you out.
PS Your big brother needs cheering up.