Monday 12 August 2013

The Importance of Being at Earnest

I've moved house!

I signed the lease for a little unit in Earnest Street last Friday. I was busy for the weekend, but I started moving stuff across from my old house before and after work for the next few days (and all day Tuesday on my day off). I ended up not having enough stuff in either house to really make it liveable (for example, my tv and couch were in seperate suburbs), but I managed to survive it for a few days, Then, on Thursday, Mum, Dad, and Rob, came over after work and slaved away carting stuff down the stairs at my old house, across a couple of suburbs, and up the stairs at my new house. They were absolute legends. They even supplied pizza at intermission. I really love my family.

So, on Thursday night, Darcy and I spent our first night at our new house. Since then, I've managed to unpack and sort out almost everything despite working every day. I finally have a day off tomorrow. I would like nothing more than to spend the day slobbing around in my new house and recovering a bit, maybe playing around with my plants in my cute little backyard, but unfortunately I still have some cleaning to do at my old house before I give the keys back on Thursday morning. I am so looking forward to giving the keys back. I enjoyed living in my old house and I had some great times there, but it is too big and too much work to live there without housemates. If I was moving out and leaving my housemates there, I'd be pretty sad about it all, but as everyone else has moved on already, I'm really loving it. I will probably miss the garden, but down grading from a garden that size and requiring that amount of work to a little courtyard with only daffodils and cactuses feels like a holiday.

I only have 2 more days left until this whole moving thing is officially over, and only a bit more cleaning to do at the old place. I can't wait until its all over and I can finally spend some time just slobbing around at my new place.

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