Friday 21 December 2007

Merry Christmas!

Its Christmas time again... You know that crazy time of the year when everyone runs around like crazy, stressed out to the max so that they can appear to be organized and relaxed on Christmas Day.

I haven't been running around too madly, but I have managed to do all my Christmas shopping, wrap the presents, and arrange them around my tiny little tree.

I have also managed to complete my Christmas cooking. This year I made Gingerbread Christmas trees.

And I've even found time to go and check out the Christmas lights around Hobart with Ayden (although this photo is actually of the house just down the road from Mum and Dad's- its not a very good photo because just as I was taking it the lady who lives there yelled out "Merry Christmas"and startled me so I left).

Anyway, to all my friends out there I hope you have a fantastic Christmas with your family.


1 comment:

Robert Kingston said...

Merry Christmas Loopy!