Sunday 10 February 2008

Who ordered the lake in our front yard?...

Interesting title. The reason behind it is that on Friday night we discovered that we did (surprisingly) have a lake in our front yard.

I live in Unit 3- an African man lives in #1, #2 is currently empty (my really annoying neighbour moved out while I was in Melbourne), and a grumpy looking old man lives in #4. Well, on Friday night the grumpy old man knocked on my door and told me that we had a leaking mains pipe in our front yard. He then knocked on #1's door and the three of us congregated around the growing puddle on our footpath wondering what to do. None of us had been given an emerency number for our landlord, and we couldn't get to the mains tap to turn the water off so there was really nothing we could do.

Then on Saturday morning the grumpy old man knocked on my door again to let me know that he had gotten through to the rental agency and they were getting a plumber over to turn the water off. I then went over to Ayden's for a few hours and when I got home the grumpy old man knocked on my door again to let me know that the water was turned off and that we were allowed to turn it on for short amounts of time to have a shower and the plumber would be back on Tuesday sometime (as Monday is a public holiday).

So, its now Monday and I'm survivng quite well without running water. It was really good this morning because I had just gotten up and was thinking about going outside to turn the water on and have a shower and I heard the toilet start re-filling so I knew that one of my neighbours had just turned the water on so I just got to jump straight in the shower- a great start to the day. I allready knew that the day was going to be great because I was meant to be working today, but when I messaged Lavi last night to find out what time she wanted me at uni she replied that she had just realized it was a public holiday so she was taking the day off and I could as well. That made me very, very happy and I plan to have an absolutely splendid day.

I hope you all have a great day as well.


Joolz said...

I trust that you did indeed have a truly spendid day.

Robert Kingston said...

I ordered the lake as a suprise treat for you - didnt you get the card?

Hmm - some people are just ungreatfull.