Sunday 16 March 2008

"Hannah, get out of the car"

Ok, so picture the scene-
Everyone was just leaving Pastor Smith's house after Youth Group last night. Its a dark night. I open the passenger door of my car... Martin gets in the backseat... Hannah gets in the front seat... I go around to my side of the car... I get in... I put the key in the ignition... and then I see IT.

There is a rather large huntsman spider sitting on the dash of my car, right in front of the steering wheel- staring at me.

I remember the last time Hannah saw a SMALL spider and wonder how she would react if she saw the huntsman.

I hear this strange, flat, calm voice come out of my mouth saying "Hannah, get out of the car."
"What's wrong?"
"Just get out of the car, Hannah"

Apparently I sounded as if I had just discovered a bomb in the car.
Hannah got out of the car.
Still with my eyes on the spider I explained to Martin and he got out of the back of the car and came around to my door. I got out and showed Marin where the spider was. That's when we noticed IT.

There was a second huntsman coming out of the vent.

I went back up to Pastor's house to get bug spray, rang the bell, and explained. Mary came out to see the spiders- I don't know why, she's terrified of them so she probably shouldn't have.

There we stood, 4 humans against 2 spiders- Afraid.

Martin did most of the executing, and was by far the bravest among us. Hannah briefly took over to squish the one that wouldn't die because she just couldn't stand it being alive anymore. Her bravado only lasted until she hit it and spider juice sprayed up her arm- needless to say, she ran inside to wash it off.

With both the spiders dead and removed from the vehicle we decided it was time to do a check of the entire car to make sure there were no more. Martin, torch in hand, bravely did the job.

Then came the hard bit- getting back in the car and driving.

We only had to go a couple of minutes drive to the Pilgrim's, but with 2 spiders already appearing out of the vents I was convinced there would be more- a whole nest of them.

We made it to the Pilgrim's without anymore unwanted company and Colin and Marin sprayed every vent and opening in the car for me. It took me a while to want to get back in the car and take Hannah home, but I had to stay there for a while anyway to witness all the signatures on Martin's passport application.

I did eventually leave, Hannah did get back in the car, and I didn't even have nightmares.
But I still want to re-spray the car again to convince myself that I'm not going to have another visitor while I'm driving.


Joolz said...

I attempted to post a comment but I stuffed it up. Here is what I wanted to say. Oh dear, glad that you had brave heroes to save the day. Glad too that it wasn't my car.

Robert Kingston said...

It seems that one of those photos didnt work Loopy.

I suppose a bomb in your car would have been a minor inconvienience after all that.

Emma said...

Yes, just a minor problem compared to the spiders!

We have since decided that it was a male and a female (because one was much larger than the other) so hopefully the bug spray has killed any eggs they might have laid!

Martin said...

If not, you could be in for a lot of nasty surprises sometime soon. I wonder if they breed all year round, or if they only breed through Spring. Dunno. Probably a good question for you, Emma.

Emma said...


Martin said...

Hello. Slightly random...