Wednesday 12 March 2008

Well, you probably want to know what I have been doing for the last couple of weeks. I want to know what I have been doing the last couple of weeks, too- I seem to have been flat out the entire time but haven't really achieved much.

Recently, the most noteworthy things that have happened have probably been up the North end of the state over the long weekend.

I went up to Mum and Dad's on Friday night after uni and didn't get back to Hobart until Tuesday evening so it really was a long weekend. I got a chance to spend some quality time with my family and my beautiful pussy cat, got spoilt rotten on a shopping spree, had a chance to sleep in, and had a party so it was definitely worth going home for a while even if I didn't manage to get much homework done while I was there.

To make up for the lack of homework over the weekend I was at uni finishing off an assignment until after 10:00 last night and back again before 8:00 this morning to proof read it and print it out. As I'm sure you can all imagine I'm tired of looking at a computer screen (considering that I had a 4 hour statistical prac on the computers this arvo as well) so now that I've said hi and you all know that I'm still alive I'm going to go and do some serious relaxing.


Joolz said...

Pleased to hear that positive report of your time up here. Also glad taht you are now relaxing after finishing off that assignment. I too have made assignment progress. Talk later

Robert Kingston said...

I remember how that feels - but I'd normally go and relax in front of a computer screen - so that might not help you overly.

Was nice to catch up over the weekend too. Rob