Friday 3 October 2008

Spring has sproinged!

Well, the very last of the snow is disappearing off the top of the mountain, and as always in spring my thoughts are taken up with "I wonder what is happening in my garden today."

For those of you who were wondering the same thing here you go-



I don't know quite what these are- I can tell you they are definitely a member of the Fabaceae family

Pink ones of the same thing.


These also came in the mixed seed packet- they seem to be paper daisies.

And anyone who has payed any attention to me at all during any spring will know that my absolute favourites are TULIPS.
For the first time ever I actually grew some. Disappointingly all 4 turned out to be the same colour, but they are still beautiful.

Not bad for a garden patch the size of a bed (a single bed that is, not a double).


Joolz said...

Just don't get too distracted by your lovelly garden. Only two weeks to go now.

Emma said...

Wow- it is only 2 weeks. I was still thinking it was 3.

Tori said...

I was thinking it was three too until I looked in my diary this morning to see when I had to hand in this Mac Penguins thing

Anonymous said...

Very nice flowers.